Friday, March 21, 2008

Local Option Sales Tax Constitutional Amendment Passes House

The House has just passed HJR004 by a near party line vote of 51-19. Though the Chamber has been a strong proponent of Local Option Taxing Authority it is opposed to this Constitutional Amendment for the fact that it would make local option taxing authority more difficult and less attainable by requiring 66 2/3 support to pass Local Option Sales Taxes. Take for example the remarks of Rep. Lenore Barrett, R-Challis, who stated, “It does not forbid a local option tax, it just makes it a little harder.”

This Consitutional Amendment comes despite repeated court decisions upholding current Local Option Authority. For a complete recap on the House vote check out the Eye of Boise Blog HERE.

House Passes Personal Property Tax Repeal

The House has just passed H0599 which will repeal the Personal Property Tax. The Chamber has been an advocate in favor of this repeal which would lift the burdensome task of calculating this tax businesses must pay. In eliminating this burden, business owners would have more capital to reinvest in their businesses and their employees.

For a more detailed account of today's House vote, check out Betsy Russel's Blog HERE.

Friday, March 14, 2008

House Rejects H0616

Earlier today the House rejected H0616 by a narrow margin. This bill would have detrimentally affected Urban Renewal Agencies by eliminating local decision making authority to "shoestring" and requiring redundant financial reporting. Rep. George Sayler (D-District 4) was the only local legislator backing the Chamber's position against this bill, voting no.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Personal Property Tax Legislation Clears Rev & Tax

H0599 which would repeal Personal Property Tax cleared the House Revenue and Taxation Committee this morning by a narrow margin. This legislation still faces a number of obstacles this session as noted by Betsy Russell in her Eye on Boise Blog. Check out her reporting HERE.

We encourage our members to send your support for H0599 to our local legislators via the Idaho Chamber Alliance "Call to Action" button HERE.

Rep. Hart Reintroduces Earlier Defeated Legislation

On Monday Rep. Phil Hart (R-District 3) managed to get an RS Printed and sent to the Second Reading Calendar before the public was able to weigh in. This move is particularly troubling since an almost exact version of this bill was defeated in committee the previous week. With only a few slight word changes H0616 is now on the second reading calendar. The Chamber opposses 616 on the same grounds that it lobbied against the earlier version H0568, for its unnecesary changes to current Urban Renewal Legislation that removes local authority from the decision making process that currently governs Urban Renewal Law and district expansion.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Commissioner Hints at Extending Comp. Plan Review

Commissioner Rick Currie has indicated an openness to allowing more than the allotted 30 days to develop feedback on the new comprehensive plan. In a recent Coeur d'Alene Press article (which can be view HERE) the Chamber's request for a minimum of 90 days to read, review and comment on the final draft was cited.

The Chamber will continue to monitor this process, and in coordination with the Public Policy Sub-group develop talking points for our members, as well as a workshop to learn more about the comprehensive plan and it's effects on business.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Transportation Issues Making Waves in Boise

Betsy Russell reports on her "Eye on Boise" Blog that transporation issues are the center of attention today with discussion centered around a number of Gov. Otter proposals. The Chamber supports efforts by the legislature to find additional funding for the plethora of road projects across the state. You can read more about the Governor's proposals HERE.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Housing Issues in the West

CNN highlighted the issue of affordable workforce housing in a recent article that can be viewed HERE. The Chamber continues to be involved in the issues of affordable housing here in Kootenai County including support for H0438 which would ensure affordable housing units are financially viable options for project owners.

Friday, February 15, 2008

New Comprehensive Plan Chapters Available Online

The County has just announced that additional chapters to the Comprehensive Plan Update are now available online. Added chapters include Hazardous Areas, Private Property Rights and an Addendum to Public Services, Facilities, Utilities. To view these chapters or the other ten chapters already online please visit:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Adjudication Will Move Forward Unhindered

Legislation that would have severely impeded the North Idaho Water Adjudication Process failed in the Senate Resources and Environment Committee today. Three bills were passed, but have limited impact on the eventual adjudication process in North Idaho. A full description of today's committee meeting can be read online at the Eye on Boise Blog via the following address:

Business and Community Leaders Hit Boise for Annual Chamber Days Event

Over twenty North Idaho business and community leaders joined a statewide delegation in Boise January 27th-29th for Chamber Days at the Legislature. This annual event put on by the Idaho Chamber Alliance in conjunction with the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce serves to provide an opportunity to present business issues to legislators and department heads.

Among the top issues on the agenda for this year’s event were economic and workforce development. To that end the Alliance arranged for Charlie Nipp, Chairman of the Board, Lake City Development Corporation to be the feature speaker at the annual ICA Luncheon with 350 people in attendance. Additionally, Tom Luna, State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Mike Rush, State Administrator for Professional Technical Education were among the presenters during the delegation’s stay in Boise. Additional side meetings were set up with Chairs of key committees including Transportation, Education, Tax and Revenue, and Joint-Finance and Appropriations.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Adjudication Bill Opposed by Chamber

Legislation was sent to print Friday that would require an advisory vote by each basin in North Idaho in order for the adjudication process to commence. The Chamber opposes any legislation that would hinder, or derail water rights adjudication. On behalf of our members we will be sending a letter to the Senate Resources and Environment Committee opposing S1417. We encourage businesses and individuals to do the same. You can submit written testimony to the committee secretary Juanita Budell via email at

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

North Idaho Water Adjudication Subject of Attention During 2008 Legislature

A number of bills that would amend current North Idaho Water Adjudication Law sponsored by legislators north of Kootenai County have been brought forward so far this legislative session. The Chamber has positioned itself in support of the current Adjudication process, fearing any attempts to amend or delay the effort could negatively impact Idaho and our region.

The bills include:

Defer the adjudication of domestic and stock waterusers

Participation in the northern Idaho wateradjudication of individual domestic water users voluntary

Repealing the enacting legislation

Narrow the focus of theNorth Idaho Water Adjudication to the Rathdrum Prairie

Exempts mining water rights from forfeiture as long as the waterright owner has maintained the property and the mineral rightsfor potential future mineral development

Provides that all domesticuses and all stock watering uses shall be exempt from all measuring deviceinstallation and maintenance and measuring and reporting relating tomeasuring requirements

Delete reference to water rights adjudicationin the Kootenai and Clark Fork-Pend Oreille river basin

Reducing filing fees

Coeur d'Alene Press Article Regarding Aquifer Study Funds:

There has even been some hint that legislation repealing Adjudication Law may be introduced, requiring individual basins to vote whether or not to adjudicate. We recognize many questions and opposition exists especially in areas north of Kootenai County. We encourage legislators and the Idaho Department of Water Resources to continue educate the public in these areas in tandem with continuing the Adjudication process currently in place.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mike Rush, Head of Idaho PTE to Present Budget to JFAC Friday

Mike Rush, the head of the State Division of Professional Technical Education is scheduled to present before the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee Friday, January 18th at 8:45 a.m. MT, 7:45 a.m. PT.

The Chamber has strenuously advocated for increased PTE funding to meet the expansive need of employees for our area's businesses. We strongly support Mike Rush's budget in which he calls for substantial increases for various PTE programs. We encourage our membership to reach the JFAC members directly or submit written testimony to Kathryn Yost, Committee secretary at to show your support for this budget request.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rep. Clark's Motion Kills 2008 Streamlined Sales Tax Legislation

This morning, the House Revenue and Taxation Committee heard a presentation from Dan John of the State Tax Commission regarding an RS that would move the state a step closer to joining the Streamlined Sales Tax Project. This system has already been implemented in 44 states and the District of Columbia. Streamlined Sales Tax has been a consistent fixture of the Chamber's Legislative Agenda as well as that of the Idaho Chamber Alliance, as it serves as a key step in bringing equity for our area's businesses by simplifying tax code and ensuring that they can compete against remote sellers who can offer goods without customers paying sales tax.

Unfortunately, despite our support for Streamlined Sales Tax the RS that would have made this a reality was sent back to the sponsor on a 10-8 vote. The motion to kill this RS from print was brought forward by Rep. Clark of District 3.

Normally, we'd take the time during our weekly conference call to discuss the differences of our positions with those taken by our legislators, but unfortunately Rep. Clark will not be able to dial in this week. We encourage any of you who are concerned about this issues to contact him.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Aquifer Funding

In the State of the State Address Gov. Otter made a request for $20 million for aquifer studies across the state. This funding request included additional study for the Spokane/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. No clear details were provided at the time regarding the need for additional funding, but word from the Governor's North Idaho office is that IDWR is stating that the report from the bi-state study concluded that additional technical study was needed on the aquifer. Two critical issues that the report said needed additional study was the water leakage from the lakes (Cd'A and Pend Oreille) and the flow composition in the Hoodoo area.

The Chamber has played a lead role on water issues in the State including securing the original funding for the bi-state aquifer study. We will continue to monitor this issue as well as advocate for funding for the Lake Management Plan here in our area.

Streamlined Sales Tax Legislation to be Introduced

Dan John of the Tax Commission is said to be planning to introduce for printing tomorrow a streamline sales tax proposal. Word is it will be similar to last year’s effort but even simplier with wording to the effect that would impose “legislative directive to take steps to become involved in collaborating with the national effort and make proposals for legislative consideration next year.”

This is a proposal that the Chamber has consistently supported in past legislative sessions as an important step to simplify tax code in Idaho and bring equity for our hometown businesses. We encourage our membership to support this measure once it's introduced to committee. Please look for updates shortly.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Daily Roundup 1-11-08

The Chamber has actively supported the effort to initiate Water Rights Adjudication in North Idaho. Although we recognize some apprehension is present in areas outside of Kootenai County, the Chamber continues to urge this process forward.

Sen. Keough Introduces Bill to Amend North Idaho Water Rights Adjudication:

Boise Leaders Optimistic About Campaign for Statewide Local Option for Roads andPublic Transit:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Draft Comprehensive Plan Available

The County Planning Commission unveiled drafts of the first 10 chapters of the County Comprehensive Plan Update. The Chamber has been actively attending commission workshops on behalf of the membership. You can read the draft documents here: Members are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Chamber to guide its input to the planning commission and county commissioners. Individuals are also encouraged to contact the county regarding any input that may assist in ensuring business interests are heard.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Daily Roundup 1-9-08

Throughout the day I will utilize this space to provide links to key stories and information in the press, including The Spokesman-Review, Coeur d'Alene Press, and Idaho Statesman. And now, here's today's Roundup...

Idaho Ranked Last in Education:

Workforce Housing:

Grocery Tax Credit:

Governor's Aquifer Budget Request:

State of the State/Transportation:

State Worker Benefits:

Local Option:

More to come...

Rep. Sali Visits with Community and Chamber Leaders

Yesterday, Congressman Bill Sali met with community and Chamber leaders. Among the attendees were Mayor Bloem and Chamber Board Chair Barb Bradley. After an update from the Congressman on the affairs of Washington D.C. the Chamber presented an initial federal legislative agenda for the 1st District Representative. Among the issues discussed and that will be followed up on in D.C. during the Joint Chambers D.C. Trip were, Bridging the Valley, Inland Pacific Hub Funding, University Place (Education Corridor), Lake Management Funding, and Workforce Development. Registration for the D.C. Fly-In is now available on the Chamber website.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Chamber Unveils Transportation Survey

The Coeur d'Alene Chamber uveiled a survey of its membership Thursday and preliminary results are in. Thus far there is strong support for GARVEE, Local Option Sales Tax, and an increase in registration fees. All results will be available at the beginning of next week when the survey closes. In the meantime, additional information on the ITD budget shortfall can be obtained at the following link: quick facts can be found on the left bar menu.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the transportation funding shortfall or the Chamber's legislative position, please email me at