Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rep. Clark's Motion Kills 2008 Streamlined Sales Tax Legislation

This morning, the House Revenue and Taxation Committee heard a presentation from Dan John of the State Tax Commission regarding an RS that would move the state a step closer to joining the Streamlined Sales Tax Project. This system has already been implemented in 44 states and the District of Columbia. Streamlined Sales Tax has been a consistent fixture of the Chamber's Legislative Agenda as well as that of the Idaho Chamber Alliance, as it serves as a key step in bringing equity for our area's businesses by simplifying tax code and ensuring that they can compete against remote sellers who can offer goods without customers paying sales tax.

Unfortunately, despite our support for Streamlined Sales Tax the RS that would have made this a reality was sent back to the sponsor on a 10-8 vote. The motion to kill this RS from print was brought forward by Rep. Clark of District 3.

Normally, we'd take the time during our weekly conference call to discuss the differences of our positions with those taken by our legislators, but unfortunately Rep. Clark will not be able to dial in this week. We encourage any of you who are concerned about this issues to contact him.